Paul's Painting Services


Projects that I will be working on this semester will go on this page.

● For my first project, I decided to code a (large) simple 4-function calculator ●

● For my second project, I decided to code a switch statement that will display specific
text, depending on which day of the week it is ●

Click the button below to reveal what day it is.

● For my third project, I decided to code JQuery functions and variables to calculate
a day, month, and year entered by a user, which it will then convert into elasped time in days, months, and years ●

Please enter a date in the format: (dd/mm/yyyy)

The time that has elasped since the date you have entered is:

* Note: Negative values indicate future days, months, and years *

● For my last project, I decided to use JQuery again to allow a user to enable or diasble a submit button. ●

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